Sally Tlasek
(AKA "Goldi-Lox")
O G-d, full of compassion, Who dwells on high, grant true rest upon
the wings of the Shechinah (Divine Presence), in the exalted spheres
of the holy and pure, who shine as the resplendence of the firmament,
to the soul of Sally, who has gone to her supernal world, for charity
has been donated in remembrance of her soul; may her place of rest be
in Gan Eden. Therefore, may the All-Merciful One shelter her with the
cover of His wings forever, and bind her soul in the bond of life. The
Lord is her heritage; may she rest in her resting-place in peace;
and let us say: Amen
(Prayer submitted by LP user Marguerite, 1/13/2015)
=== In Memoriam ===
Sally Tlasek, moderator and co-creator of the Liberty Post
forum, passed away unexpectedly in November of 2014. Her body
was discovered by local police who had been called in on November 13th
by condominium management due to packages piling up in front of
her apartment. Sally had no living relatives and was survived
only by her companion cat, which was subsquently saved and adopted
out to a new home.
Known as "Goldi" by Liberty Post participants, Sally
was a very private person. Even amongst those who knew her for years,
or even decades, little is known of her family background or private life.
Sally was born in 1948 and originally lived in the Baltimore, Maryland
area. She moved
to Florida in or around the year 2000 to pursue a job opportunity,
ultimately retiring there. Early in her adult life as a young mother
Sally went through the most painful experience possible for a parent;
watching her young son die of leukemia despite undergoing a series of
excruciating medical procedures. (At the time, circa 1970, treatment was
much cruder than today and the survival rate much lower.) This experience
planted the seeds of distrust in the medical establishment which lasted
the rest of her life. Not long afterwards her marriage broke up. Sally
never remarried.
One of the things that distinguished Sally to all who knew her was
her love of individual liberty and freedom. She railed against what
she saw as government increasingly ignoring its founding
principles, careening out of control, and becoming more oppressive.
Despite a busy work schedule she always found time to be politically
active and to volunteer her time with freedom-oriented organizations.
Liberty Post gave Sally an outlet for her political interests
and she put her own unique stamp on the forum. Although at times
she would make controversial decisions when she believed issues important
to her were being endangered, overall Liberty Post was a special
place to many participants and that was due to its being "Goldi's Place."
In the years just prior to her passing Sally suffered from declining
health due to a number of medical issues.
The exact cause
of death is not known but as she had made no arrangements it was likely
a sudden and unexpected attack brought on by a pre-existing condition.
Her remains were cremated by the county due to there being no
next-of-kin, and the ashes likewise will be spread over the ocean
assuming they remain unclaimed. (As it turns out this is very close
to what she would have wanted, in an LP article posted years before
her death, Sally made it very clear
that her preferred final disposition was cremation with ashes spread
over the earth.)
Although she may have lacked traditional family, Sally's online
friends at Liberty Post were like family to her. She will
be remembered and missed by all.